Danielle Heberling

Tech Thoughts

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Routing on the Edge

September 09, 20214 min read

At Koan, our application’s frontend is a React Single Page Application running in two distinct environments (Staging and Production). In addition to viewing the Staging and Production versions of our frontend, we also need to serve up a version of the frontend based off of a git…

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The Secret to Getting More Done

July 14, 20212 min read

It was a cold and rainy day as I sat alone in my home office debugging Webpack config errors. No matter what I tried, the errors would not go away. My natural inclination was to “just get through most of them” before eating lunch. But as I fixed errors, more emerged. Do you know…

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Build a GraphQL API with TypeScript, AWS AppSync, and CDK

June 13, 20213 min read

What We’re Building Previously, I had used AWS SAM to build a CRUD app for notes. Recently, I wanted to learn more about the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), GraphQL, and AWS AppSync, so I decided to refactor my original project. Disclaimer that at the time of writing the CDK v…

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You Are More Than Your Tech Choices

May 22, 20212 min read

If you know me, you’ve probably noticed that my technical specialities lately have been JavaScript and AWS Serverless. As a software developer with a few years of experience, recruiters often message me trying to convince me to apply for a job opening. In one specific instance, I…

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